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[20150814] Creating Test Script With Bind Variable.txt
--今天建立一个新的脚本,把里面:"SYS_B_NN" 替换为 常量, 欢迎大家测试:--注意我日期类型选择环境变量
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- File name: build_bind_vars3.sql -- -- Purpose: Build SQL*Plus test script with variable definitions -- -- Author: Jack Augustin and Kerry Osborne -- -- Description: This script creates a file which can be executed in SQL*Plus. It creates bind variables, -- sets the bind variables to the values stored in V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE, and then executes -- the statement. The sql_id is used for the file name and is also placed in the statement -- as a comment. Note that numeric bind variable names are not permited in SQL*Plus, so if -- the statement has numberic bind variable names, they have an 'N' prepended to them. Also -- note that CHAR variables are converted to VARCHAR2. -- -- Usage: This scripts prompts for two values. -- -- sql_id: this is the sql_id of the statement you want to duplicate -- -- child_no: this is the child cursor number from v$sql -- (the default is 0 second) -- -- -- modify : add date convert varchar2(32) 20130622 -- modify : bug replace char to varchar2(32) 20150114 -- modify : replace sql_fulltext chr(13) to '' 20150114 -- modify : add 'set sqlblanklines on' and 'set sqlblanklines off' 20150616 -- modify : use distinct to delete duplicate 20150616 -- modify : do not use distinct to delete duplicate , add where dup_position is null 20150814 -- modify : delete some comment code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- set verify off set sqlblanklines on set trimspool on set trimout on set feedback off; set linesize 4000; set pagesize 50000; set timing off; set head off -- accept sql_id char prompt "Enter SQL ID ==> " default &1 accept child_no char prompt "Enter Child Number ==> " default 0 var isdigits number var v_sql_fulltext clob -- -- col sql_fulltext for a4000 word_wrap spool &&sql_id\.sql
--Check for numeric bind variable names --begin
select case regexp_substr(replace(name,':',''),'[[:digit:]]') when replace(name,':','') then 1 end into :isdigits from V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE where sql_id='&&sql_id' and child_number = &&child_no and rownum < 2; end; /--
-- Create variable statements -- select 'variable ' || case :isdigits when 1 then replace(name,':','N') else substr(name,2,30) end || ' ' || decode(datatype_string,'DATE','VARCHAR2(32)',replace(datatype_string,'CHAR(','VARCHAR2(')) txt from V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE where sql_id='&&sql_id' and child_number = &&child_no and dup_position is null; -- -- Set variable values from V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE -- select 'begin' txt from dual; select case :isdigits when 1 then replace(name,':',':N') else name end || ' := ' || case datatype_string when 'NUMBER' then null else '''' end || case datatype_string when 'DATE' then to_char(to_date(value_string,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') else nvl(value_string,'00') end || case datatype_string when 'NUMBER' then null else '''' end || ';' txt from V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE where sql_id='&&sql_id' and child_number = &&child_no and dup_position is null; select 'end;' txt from dual; select '/' txt from dual;--
-- Generate statement -- select 'set termout off' txt from dual; select 'set sqlblanklines on' txt from dual; select 'alter session set current_schema='||PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME||';' txt from v$sqlarea where sql_id = '&&sql_id'; select 'alter session set statistics_level=all;' from dual; select '' from dual;--begin
--select replace(sql_fulltext,chr(13),'') into :v_sql_fulltext from ( --select regexp_replace(sql_fulltext,'(select |SELECT )','select /* test &&sql_id */ /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ ',1,1) sql_fulltext from ( --select case :isdigits when 1 then replace(sql_fulltext,':',':N') else sql_fulltext end ||';' sql_fulltext --from v$sqlarea --where sql_id = '&&sql_id')); --end; --/--replace :"SYS_B_NN" using constant value
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON declare v_sql_fulltext clob; v_sql clob; beginselect replace(sql_fulltext,chr(13),'') into v_sql_fulltext from (
select regexp_replace(sql_fulltext,'(select |SELECT )','select /* test &&sql_id */ /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ ',1,1) sql_fulltext from ( select case :isdigits when 1 then replace(sql_fulltext,':',':N') else sql_fulltext end ||';' sql_fulltext from v$sqlarea where sql_id = '&&sql_id'));FOR cursor_1 IN (
select case :isdigits when 1 then replace(name,':',':"N') else replace(name,':',':"') end||'"' c1, case datatype_string when 'NUMBER' then null else '''' end || case datatype_string when 'DATE' then to_char(to_date(value_string,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') else nvl(value_string,'00') end || case datatype_string when 'NUMBER' then null else '''' end c2 from V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE where sql_id='&&sql_id' and child_number = &&child_no and name like ':SYS\_B\_%' escape '\' and dup_position is null order by name desc ) LOOP BEGIN select replace(v_sql_fulltext,cursor_1.c1,cursor_1.c2) into v_sql_fulltext from dual; END; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(v_sql_fulltext); end; / SET SERVEROUTPUT Off --select 'set termout on' txt from dual;
select 'set sqlblanklines off' txt from dual; select '@zws '''' ''''' txt from dual; select '--@dpc '''' ''''' txt from dual; select 'rollback;' txt from dual;spool off;
undef sql_id undef child_no set feedback on; set head on转载地址:http://xbqko.baihongyu.com/